Benchee 0.13 was released this weekend, and in that release there’s one feature that I’m SUPER excited about. Starting with this release, you can now benchmark memory usage in Elixir or Erlang functions! Because after all, performance isn’t just about run time. Memory consumption counts, too!
The basics
So, if you want to measure memory usage, you use Benchee just like you normally would, but you also need to say how long you want to measure memory for:
map_fun = fn num -> num + 1 end{
"flat_map" => fn -> Enum.flat_map(1..1000, map_fun) end,
"map.flatten" => fn -> 1..1000 |> |> List.flatten end
}, memory_time: 2)
For the vast majority of the functions you’re going to benchmark, you don’t need to run the measurement for very long since most of the time functions use the exact same amount of memory each time they’re run. Only when there’s some sort of randomness in your function will the memory usage vary.
The small print
So, while this is super cool, it’s not yet perfect. The biggest catch is that the way we have memory measurement implemented at the moment, it can only measure the memory usage of a single process in which the original function is executed. So, while the above example will give you a really accurate measure of the total memory used in a process, it doesn’t give you the effect on the BEAM VM as a whole. For example, if you’re spawning a bunch of processes to do some calculations for you in parallel, you won’t see that memory usage in your measurements. Yet. I’d love to get there eventually, but for now it’s not in scope.
Also, we’re measuring the total memory used in a function, not just the net effect on the size of the process’s allocated heap. That means every byte that’s garbage collected as part of the running of the given function counts towards the total memory usage of the function.
Oh, and this feature is only supported in OTP 19 or higher, since it uses a tracing function only introduced in that version.
How it’s done
In many garbage collected languages, you can turn off the garbage collector if you like. Not so with the BEAM. If you wanted to turn off garbage collection, you’d crash the VM pretty darn quick, which is why it’s not even an option. Usually, in those other runtimes, if you want to measure memory usage, you just turn off garbage collection, measure your VM size, run your function, measure your VM size again, and then take the difference. Easy peasy, right?
Since we can’t do that, we needed another way. Here’s the gist of how it works.
First, we spawn a process to listen to some messages from :erlang.trace/3
Specifically, we’re listening to all garbage collection messages. Thanks to
those messages, we can get the size of the heap before and after garbage
collection to find out how much data was garbage collected. We keep track of
that throughout the entire run of the function being benchmarked, and at the
very, very end we find out what’s left that on the heap and add that in, too.
If you want to check out the specifics, it’s actually not all that much code - and you can see it here.