Unit Tests in Elixir - Part 3

In part 1 of this series I went over a couple rules that I follow when writing unit tests, and in part 2 I showed how to unit test GenServers. Today, though, we’re gonna be getting our hands dirty and breaking some of those rules that I laid out in part 1. I mean, what good are rules if you don’t break them every now and then!

In Part 1 I defined a unit test as “all behavior within a single function and within a single process.” Basically that boils down to the old adage of “don’t test side effects.” In part 2 I showed how to unit test functions with side effects by asserting that a message was sent to another process and not making assertions on what actually happened in that process as a result of sending that message.

But today, I’m going to show two examples of times where I do test side effects. Prepare yourselves for the horror to follow!

Interacting with the database

If you think that you shouldn’t test an application’s interaction with the database, you’re not wrong. Testing the interaction between your software and software that is often running on an entirely different server is an integration test for sure.

However, if you have an application that interacts with a database, it probably does it a lot. And those interactions are probably pretty important! So, given that it’s pretty hard in many cases to avoid interacting with the database, and the importance of those interactions, it makes sense to test them if it’s convenient enough.

And boy, is it ever convenient! After the release of Ecto 2.0 it became so effortlessly easy to test functions that interact with a database, it’s just frankly harder to write your unit tests in a way where you’re mocking out your database interactions. So, given that, why would you use a mock Repo? Let’s just use the real thing!

Just for reference, let’s imagine that we have the following module and the following test:

defmodule MyApp.Users do

  alias MyApp.{Repo, Users.User}

  def create(params) do
    |> User.changeset(params)
    |> Repo.insert()

defmodule MyApp.UsersTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: true

  alias MyApp.{Users, Users.User}

  describe "create/1" do
    test "creates a new user in the database" do
      params = %{name: "name"}
      assert [%User{name: "name"}] = Users.all()

That’s really clear and easy to understand what’s going on. If we wanted to make that a “real” unit test, we could do something like this:

defmodule MyApp.Users do

  alias MyApp.{Repo, Users.User}

  def create(params, repo \\ Repo) do
    |> User.changeset(params)
    |> repo.insert()

defmodule MyApp.UsersTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: true

  alias MyApp.{Users, Users.User}

  defmodule Repo do
    def insert(changeset) do
      send(self(), {:insert, changeset})

  describe "create/1" do
    test "creates a new user in the database" do
      params = %{name: "name"}
      Users.create(params, Repo)
      assert_receive {:insert, changeset}
      # and then here we can make assertions about what's in the changeset.

That’s not so bad, but I sure do prefer the first version! Mainly because there I’m making assertions about data in the database (well, really the data that’s retrieved from the database) and not about the contents of a changeset. Tying my tests to the implementation detail of changesets seems brittle, and frankly it’s just unnecessary because of the great tooling in Ecto.

Interacting with the file system

This one is a little more controversial. The file system is global mutable state. If your unit tests are running concurrently (as I said they should be in part 1), you’re going to have race conditions when reading from and writing to the file system, right? Let’s use the following example:

defmodule MyCSV do
  def persist(list) do
    csv = Enum.join(list, ",")

      |> Path.expand(__DIR__)
      |> File.write!(csv)

There’s no way we can unit test that function with async: true because we’d be running into issues with race conditions on that results.csv file. But, much in the same way every test that touches the database is entirely isolated from any other test, we can ensure that each of these unit tests is isolated from all of the others as well.

First, let’s extract a constant in that function out as a default variable:

defmodule MyCSV do
  @default_path Path.expand("../../output/results.csv", __DIR__)
  def persist(list, path \\ @default_path) do
    csv = Enum.join(list, ",")
    File.write!(path, csv)

Now we have the ability to pass in a path to that function. This means when we’re unit testing that function, we can give a unique path for each test which will ensure that the file system for each test is isolated.

But how can we generate a unique path for each test? Well, there are a few ways, but here’s my favorite. I have a function that I use pretty often that generates a unique path, and it looks like this:

def unique_path() do
  path =



The way I guarantee the uniqueness of this path is with abs(System.monotonic_time(:nanosecond)). There’s no way two tests can execute this function in the same nanosecond to cause this to return with the same value twice. Because every system is different, sometimes that monotonic time is represented as a negative integer, so I use abs/1 to ensure we’re always given a positive integer. And since we can’t write to a file in a folder that hasn’t been created, we need that File.mkdir_p! in there to make sure that unique folder exists before we put stuff in it.

Now when I test that function, it looks something like this:

defmodule MyCSVTest do
  describe "persist/2" do
    test "converts the list to a CSV and writes it to the file system" do
      base_path = unique_path()
      path = File.join(unique_path, "results.csv")
      MyCSV.persist([1,2,3], path)
      assert File.read!(path) == "1,2,3"

Now, to present the alternative, you could also unit test that function in a different way. Instead of extracting the path, you could do this:

defmodule MyCSV do
  def persist(list, file_module \\ File) do
    csv = Enum.join(list, ",")

      |> Path.expand(__DIR__)
      |> file_module.write!(csv)

And then in your test you could use a fake module in place of the File module and assert that a command was sent in the same way we did in those assertions for GenServers in part 2. However, if it’s easy enough to avoid using a mock for a module I tend to avoid it, and in this case I consider it really easy.

In general it’s better to use mock data than to use mock functionality, and this is a really good example of the difference between those two options.