Everything you need to know about Elixir's new formatter
It's been a big weekend! The new formatter that José mentioned in his ElixirConf talk is finally here! It landed on Sunday, and that means we can now poke around »
It's been a big weekend! The new formatter that José mentioned in his ElixirConf talk is finally here! It landed on Sunday, and that means we can now poke around »
I recently migrated a Phoenix app from 1.2 to 1.3, including introducing some contexts. I like the concept in general, but I think the current implementation (from the few examples I've seen, and from the examples in the official documentation) isn't quite finished yet. »
I've just finished my first really substantial refactoring of someone else's code in Elixir. I wanted to make some changes to Benchee so that it would be easier to add another feature later on. We needed a new data model, and there »
When I write my Ruby tests, I'm a big fan of using test doubles and asserting those doubles receive messages with the correct arguments. I guess I like to practice what Justin Searls calls Discovery Testing »
I've been turning something over in my mind recently, so I'm going to try and write down some of these thoughts to get some clarity around my thinking here. Now that my talks are over for a while, I'm able to dive back »