From Elixir to Erlang
It's been a while since I've written here, partly because I've been taking care of my kids mostly solo for a while while my wife is out of town, but also because I've been working with a new client since the middle of April. »
It's been a while since I've written here, partly because I've been taking care of my kids mostly solo for a while while my wife is out of town, but also because I've been working with a new client since the middle of April. »
Dialyzer can be a tricky tool to figure out, but it can also be really helpful in spotting bugs or inaccurate typespecs for us, so I'm going to go through a couple of the more common warnings that you'll see in your daily use of Dialyzer to help understand what's happening, some of the causes of those common warnings, and how you can resolve them. »
One thing that folks sometimes want or need to do is to be able to "soft delete" records in a database. This means that instead of actually removing the record from a database, you in some way keep it there but make it "invisible" to your application. »
In part 1 of this series I went over a couple rules that I follow when writing unit tests, and in part 2 I showed how to unit test GenServers. Today, though, we're gonna be getting our hands dirty and breaking some of those rules that I laid out in part 1. I mean, what good are rules if you don't break them every now and then! »
I like rules. Decision making is way easier when there are rules there to guide you, and I like my decisions to be easy to make. Sure, sometimes we break the rules when we're writing software, and that's ok. »